Friday, December 29, 2006

some interviews with a group of web revolutionaries

On these days I'm checking a lot of applications of the Web2.0 thinking on how to use them more effectively in the classroom and among other documents I found this special issue of the Guardian with interviews with a lot of the successful pioneers

This is the summary video, and the main page with all the complete articles and interviews

something different, also great, a series of podcasts and videos from the K12 online conference on how to use all these applications in the classroom, they suggest lot of ideas.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

de descanso

Llevo unos días de descanso, o lo que es lo mismo, tratando de hacer sólo aquello que me apetece en la web y nada del trabajo que actualmente hago. Esto es una novedad en mucho tiempo y hasta es raro y difícil de llevar a cabo.
Como siempre descubro mil cosas nuevas. Estar actualizado es bien costoso. No time to read and experience all new tools and sites on the Web. What I'm doing most of the time is listening to French audios and videos, my French is terrible, but hopefully I will improve it (j'espère),
I love this song:

and don't miss the exercise prepared by Carmen Vera

enjoy your time

Monday, December 18, 2006

is this CLIL?

I find amazing material every day, like this video.

Could this be used to teach Maths in English? to introduce a lesson on logarithms? to teach some expressions in English? or even pronunciation? or to talk about relationships? Great anyway,

Sunday, December 03, 2006

online educa berlin 2006

Online educa Berlin took place last week. I spent a busy week in one of the biggest conferences of elearning. Too much input to digest. The Web 2.0 was in the air of the conference. Many interesting sessions, but one I especially enjoyed was one of the last on Friday "Role of Game-Based Learning", with the participation of Maja Pivec, the project coordinator of
Sig-Glue,Graeme Duncan, Chief from Caspian Learning Euan Mackenzie, CEO 3MRT, and many others. More info on the sessions at

I see games as an emerging new light in the future of elearning, especially in schools, let's see what's the future brings to us.

Watch a video with several interviews in French at Jean Michel Billaut's blog . i don't know if there are any others in English.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

wonderful authentic material

I'm preparing a new webquest about climate change and searching for links and videos related to this issue I found some wonderful videos from different extraordinary people, like the one of Jane Goodall,the Chimpanzee Ethnologist.
Again I am spending my sleeping time watching videos, but they are so great!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

reception for inpatients

My friend Luisa from Cuevas de Almanzora sent me a gazette written by her students in Bachillerato last year. It's worthy having a look at it and perhaps you can use some of the texts to start discussions with your students in the beginning of the new course: botellones, the metrosexual man, the messenger phenomenon etc. A great variety of witty texts about fashionable topics. You will find it on the section "Guest students" .

She also sent me this picture taken in a Japanese hospital, what's the exact meaning of it?

Another novelty on my site is that I have included most of the music in the song pages, with a link from Radio blog, so that students can listen to the song at home or at school. Still this is one of my favourite, and of course catchy "Barbie girl",

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Moodlemoot conference at the Open University

As a user of Moodle I have appreciated the opportunity to watch and listen to the keynotes in the last Moodlemoot conference celebrated last week at the OU.
This is why Internet is really great! instant communication and sharing of ideas.

Enjoy the videos, and read the summary of the talk of the founder of Moodle.


I know everything has to do with economic reasons and at this time of my life I should know it is difficult to change that, but there are still people that for other non economic reasons, (could we call it just generosity, love, whatever,..?) invest their time and energy in entrerprises that perhaps are not so profitable. I have been in Mostar in the Center that the University of Granada shares with the two Universities there ("Džemal Bijedić" University and the University of Mostar) under the framework of the European project called JustMostar. In my opinion, it should be only one university, but after being there it is obvious that's not easy.
It has been an invaluable experience. Hilario Ramírez made it possible. He is one of those dreamers still singing John Lennnon's song.
The course was organised with the collaboration of the Centro Mediterraneo at the University of Granada.

Samiyusuf and Outlandish "I've seen" (Lyrics)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Curso de WebQuest en Canarias

La semana pasada disfruté de una semana de vacaciones en Canarias y tuve la oportunidad de dar un curso junto con mi amiga Sara Martin, a colegas de secundaria y primaria. El resultado ha sido mucho trabajo bien hecho y un nuevo Blog que se puede visitar en
Aquí podéis ver una foto con las dunas de Maspalomas al fondo.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

elearning conference in helsinki y ponencia en Ávila

I was in the elearning conference 2006 in Helsinki. You may like reading the conference blog. Then I went to Ávila to take part in a summer course, see the blog here.
Back to Málaga I have spent this afternoon working a bit and doing some changes on my web, putting links to the music of the songs I have, by means of the revolutionary Radio Blog searcher. A great tool for teaching English or other languages with music.
I must say music always saves me from everything,
Join me with this song,

Friday, May 26, 2006

Educating the Net Generation

I haven't read the whole book, just a few pages, but it interested me enough to put a link that facilites me reading it from time to time

Some more articles in the same line, don't miss the one about the "homo zappiens"

Thursday, May 25, 2006

travel to iceland

I've been in Iceland for a week. It was the prize for the European Label of innovation in languages that I got last year, I could choose any European country to visit and I decided on Iceland. It has been surprisingly sunny and I have met many people from different education sectors, it has been a very nice experience. It would take me a lot to write about all I have done there, but here you are a picture of the amazing Blue Lagoon.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

cuestionario acerca de la selectividad

Un compañero llamado Miguel Fernández que está realizando la tesis sobre la prueba de selectividad de inglés me pide que coloque un enñace a un cuestionario online para los alumnos que están en 2º de bachillerato. Lo podéis encontrar en
se agradece la participación,

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sugerencias a la administración andaluza

Hoy me ha dado por escribir.
Siguiendo con el tema del bilingüísmo y las TIC y siendo consciente de las necesidades que hay tengo varias propuestas en mente que de vez en cuando digo en charlas pero que nunca he puesto abiertamente en la web, para mí que este foro no debe leerlo nadie y menos alguien de la administración, pero por si acaso. Escuetamente:
- ¿Porque no se pone a disposición de todos los profes un servidor que de alojamiento a materiales creados a modo de REPOSITORIO compartido? Claro que debería llevar una herramienta para crear los materiales, pero eso no es difícil de hacer. Esto es el futuro y nos ayudaría mucho a compartir y recoger todo lo que se está haciendo y se va a hacer en los centros en Andalucía. Lo más abierto posible.

- ¿Porqué no se crea un puesto de "formador-asesor" a la carta que se dedicara a formar metodológicamente a los profesores en sus propios centros y contextos? Formadores itinerantes que pudieran dar sesiones presenciales repartidas a lo largo del curso pero muy contextualizadas. Esto permitiría que los formadores expertos dieran lo mejor de sí y que los profesores se sintieran tratados de forma individualizada, lo que ya sabemos motiva mucho.

No más ideas por hoy

babelplex y delicious

Dos herramientas:
una que puede ayudar a los que trabajan con temas de bilingüísmo es el buscador Babelplex
Y delicious, un buen sistema de compartir favoritos por categorías, un ejemplo el que hemos empezado a crear con los profes pluri de la zona de Marbella

CLIL, plurilingüísmo

En las últimas semanas he tenido varios encuentros con profesores inmersos en proyectos de bilingüísmo en Andalucía, consecuencia de esto es que he elaborado un taller con información y materiales sobre el tema
Desde mi perspectiva esta es una de las mejores opciones de enseñar una segunda lengua y desde el principio me ha entusiasmado. Me han dado verdaderas ganas de volver al aula y experimentarlo. Mi experiencia en la universidad de Granada en el último año, trabajando con proyectos europeos de e-learning es muy positiva, pero tengo que admitir que echo de menos el aula y más en un momento en que la línea va por donde yo siempre me he sentido: las TIC y el uso de la lengua como un medio para aprender cualquier cosa (que es lo que en definitiva supone el CLIL). La experiencia de conocer varias lenguas aunque sea a distintos niveles me parece de lo más interesante en el momento en el que estamos, así que seguiré investigando en el tema en el futuro.
Al hilo de todo esto he estado explorando el blog de Paco Muñoz, que es una mina de oro. Cada vez que paso por ahí me atraso en mis trabajos porque no puedo evitar echar horas investigando lo que propone, consecuencia de ello es la inclusión de algunas herramientas nuevas en Gracias Paco, eres la caña!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

three sheep in Graz

Andreas Kotz, one of the participants in the Language WebQuest workshop in Graz sent me this cute picture of three of the sheep they gave us as a final present.
I though that these are the kind of things that make you remember people for ever.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Workshop in Graz

I'm coming back from Graz from a Workshop on WebQuests for second languages "LQuests" I have taken part in, I have to say that it has been a great experience. I have never spent so many days with a group of language teachers like this one, people from at least 21 different European countries. Definitely the best thing has been the interaction between all of us. Click on the picture to access to the project site, and here to see a lot of more pictures.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Entrevista a Jordi Adell

después de participar en las jornadas de WebQuest en Barcelona, me gustaría, además de comentar que ha sido una experiencia muy enriquecedora, enlazar la entrevista a Jordi Adell, un experto en el tema, aunque no sólo en este tema. hay algunas dificultades para escucharla a veces pero merece la pena,

Monday, February 20, 2006

los premios de la modalidad A

Aparte del premio mencionado en la entrada anterior que correspondía a una modalidad B distinta y con uno solo premio. En la presente edición del premio Sello se ha premiado a los siguientes proyectos, siendo el 4º de Andalucía.

1. Proyecto de enseñanza integrada de lengua inglesa y contenidos de medio ambiente–Environmental Education from Awareness to Life- Style, coordinado por María Franco Cabré, centro Zona Escolar Rural «Baix Camp Nord», Alforja, Tarragona (Cataluña).

2. Física de 2.º de Bachillerato en Inglés, coordinado por Enrique J. Garralaga Robres, Instituto de Educación Secundaria «Hermanos D’Elhuyar» de Logroño (La Rioja).

3. Content Learning Through Projects, coordinado por Ángela Álvarez-Cofiño, Colegio Público «Ventanielles» Oviedo (Asturias)

4. El Programa Bilingüe en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía en los idiomas alemán y francés, coordinado por Elia Vila Romero, Dirección General de Ordenación y Evaluación Educativa, Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla (Andalucía).

5. Centro de Recursos para la Comunidad Sorda «Juan Luis Marroquín» coordinado por Emilio Ferreiro Lago, Fundación Confederación Nacional de Sordos de España (CNSE) para la Supresión de Barreras de Comunicación de Madrid.

6. Introducción temprana de la lengua inglesa en un entorno bilingüe– Ingelesaren Sarrera Goiztiarra egoera elebidunean, coordinado por Rosa Aliaga Ugarte, Programa Multilingüe–Servicio de Innovación Pedagógica del Departamento de Educación, Universidades e Investigación del Gobierno Vasco en San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa).

Podéis verlo en la resolución

Enhorabuena a todos ellos


Thursday, February 16, 2006

The European Label for innovative projects in language teaching and learning

Yesterday was a very special day for me as I was given the The European Label for innovative projects in language teaching and learning 2005 in the modality B, by the European agency and the Spanish Ministry of Education. This modality is kind of recognition for a professional trajectory. I was nominated by the "Centro de Profesorado de Málaga" and the "Centro de Profesorado de Bollullos/ Valverde de Huelva".

I would like to thank them all for the nomination and also everybody that appreciates my site. This, of course, keeps me going with this site and other activities related to the use of ICT in education,


Saturday, February 11, 2006

Conferencia sobre CLIL en Granada por Hugh Baldry

Sacramento Jaimez, coordinadora de plurilingüísmo de Granada y Juan Manuel Criado, director de la EOI de Granada, me cuentan que el próximo jueves, 16 de febrero, a las 19 horas, tendrá lugar en el Salón de Actos de ese centro una charla en inglés ofrecida por Hugh Baldry, máximo responsable de Innovación Educativa y Formación del Profesorado en Gran Bretaña y un experto en Aprendizaje integrado de lengua y contenido. Su intervención versará sobre la formación del profesorado que participa en programas CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). Para más información podéis visitar la web de la eoi.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Have a look at this wonderful project “Daring Reporters” from IES Ronda in Lleida, Catalonia. It has won the Young Digital Poland Award for best use of ICT in the eLearning Awards.
It is a really great example of imagination and enthusiastic work with the students. Congrats!


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

some news

Hi everyone,

Manuel López asked me to link a geographic game that it is also an annual contest for students of Secondary Education. You can find it here

I also would like to suggest you answer a questionnaire developed within a European project called Detecting and Removing Obstacles to Foreign Language Teaching Abroad (DROFoLTA). The aim is to find out the obstacles to teacher mobility in the Union.
It can be done in different European languages:

Last, but not least I have included a link to a site called "The Human Being and The Affective Element". It's been developed by a working group on that topic and teaching English. It includes lot of useful material to work in the classroom.


Sunday, January 15, 2006

cuestionario de selectividad

Miguel Fernández Álvarez que está realizando una tesis sobre los tests de selectividad, me ha pedido incluir un enlace a un cuestionario sobre este tema en la página de selectividad, invitando a todos aquellos profesores que queráis colaborar a rellenarlo. Podéis encontrarlo enlazado desde la página de selectividad o en


Sunday, January 08, 2006

new year, new look

You may have noticed that I have introduced some changes in my site. I spent part of our "fiestas" doing that. The most relevant novelty is what I called "The Web Learning Tube". I still have to developed many of the lines and routes, but at least I have finished the design of the idea and I have selected many of the resources. I have been planning this since September and I hope it is helpful for the classroom.
I also took advantage of Google to put a "search this site" form. I have some more plans, but unfortunately I do not have much more time.
