Sunday, December 03, 2006

online educa berlin 2006

Online educa Berlin took place last week. I spent a busy week in one of the biggest conferences of elearning. Too much input to digest. The Web 2.0 was in the air of the conference. Many interesting sessions, but one I especially enjoyed was one of the last on Friday "Role of Game-Based Learning", with the participation of Maja Pivec, the project coordinator of
Sig-Glue,Graeme Duncan, Chief from Caspian Learning Euan Mackenzie, CEO 3MRT, and many others. More info on the sessions at

I see games as an emerging new light in the future of elearning, especially in schools, let's see what's the future brings to us.

Watch a video with several interviews in French at Jean Michel Billaut's blog . i don't know if there are any others in English.


José Luis Cabello said...

Muy interesante todo lo que cuentas.
He agregado tu blog a
donde hay otros 10 blog sobre esl.
Espero que no te importe.
También está el que acabo de crear


Isabel Pérez said...
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Isabel Pérez said...

Hola José Luis,

Hola José Luis,

Claro que no me importa, al contrario, es un honor!

entiendo que ahora mismo estás dedicado a la investigación y te felicito. Una licencia, es una oportunidad única,

keep in touch